For her latest single ‘Take Ya Shot’, Liv Margaret collaborates with Nashville producers
and writers Matteo Guastamacchio and Brandon Mingo, creating a rebel’s anthem of
independence and authenticity. The song playfully mocks materialism, highlighting the
value of self-worth over wealth. Its empowering energy is also found in the driving
guitars and the pounding drums that take you off guard and demand your attention. The
repeating chorus not only urges you to bravely take big chances but also stands as a
bold defiance against any opposition, culminating with, ‘Take ya shot!’

The song draws inspiration from The Runaways, Joan Jett and Gwen Stefani. You’ll
hear 80’s and 90’s punk rock smothered on the track like hot fudge on a sundae – rich
and indulgent, yet unmistakably pop at its core. The ethos of the punk movement was
one of resisting oppressive forces, whether societal or personal. ‘Take Ya Shot’ harkens
back to that sentiment, with lyrical imagery like “I’m not a vision for ya; Won’t wear my
glitter for ya; Won’t do a trick on command or; Stand in the spotlight for ya”. In a world
that often demands conformity, the song stands as a powerful reminder of how crucial it
is not to overlook your own value and what makes you unique.
Though Liv Margaret got her start with a retro sound, reminiscent of the 50’s and 60’s,
she has evolved while staying true to her influences and what topics inspire and move
her. Although her lyrical content in the past few singles could be seen as antagonistic or
confrontational, Liv doesn’t fall into the Villain Era paradigm. She tackles themes that
have built in contradictions and inherent conflicts but deals with them in a way that is
palatable and relatable, giving the listener a bit of reassurance that they’re not the only
To stay updated on Liv Margaret’s new releases and projects, follow her on Instagram
and TikTok. Although she is active on social media, the requirements of the algorithm
are exhausting. Knowing you’re a fan goes a long way and if you’re a fan, feel free to
reach out and share your thoughts on her work. Her drive is to make music that moves
you and inspires you to have self-reliance. You can stream ‘Take Ya Shot’ on any
platform, just promise, when you do, you’ll shout it out and take any shot you’ve been
too afraid to take.
Song Link: